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About us

We are a network of healthcare organisations working on European, national and local levels brought together by the European Patient Safety Foundation, an independent foundation of public interest. We share a common concern for the well-being and safety of healthcare workers. 


We believe that high quality care for patients starts with high quality care for the staff. 

Campaign initiators:

European Patient Safety Foundation (EUPSF)

Association of Anaesthetists, UK

Campaign supporters:

Active Citizenship Network

Austrian Platform for Patient Safety, Austria

European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT)

European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC)

European Specialist Nurses Organisation (ESNO)

FOKUS Patient, Sweden

​German Coalition for Patient Safety (APS), Germany

Global Network on Emergency Medicine (GNEM)

International Alliance of Patients' Organisations (IAPO)

Patient Safety Learning

Platform for Continuous Improvement of Quality of Care and Patient Safety – PAQS ASBL, Belgium

Slovensky Pacient, Slovakia

Second Victim, Austria

​Serbian Association of Anesthesiologists and Intensivists, Serbia

Spanish Society for Quality in Healthcare, Spain

Swiss Patient Safety Foundation, Switzerland

TU Delft Centre for Safety in Healthcare, The Netherlands

The Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants in Romania (OAMGMAMR)  

Wiesbaden Institute for Healthcare Economics and Patient Safety (WiHelP), Germany

World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA)

Campaign sponsors:

Edwards Lifesciences 



The strategic decision-making at the European level throughout the whole campaign is in the hands of the Executive Committee. This Committee consists of the representatives of European umbrella organisations who have joined the campaign and individual experts who want to actively participate in its development.


Overall coordination of the campaign is ensured by the European Patient Safety Foundation.  

Executive Committee

Join the campaign

Together we can raise awareness of the risks of fatigue and its impact on health and performance, taking into account the specific context of each country and finding ways to make EVERYONE feel concerned.


Together we can to implement tools and recommendations on how to manage fatigue and improve the well-being and safety of healthcare staff.


Together we can strive to go even further and advocate for more humane working conditions, allowing caregivers time to rest, time to grow and time to provide safe care for their patients.


To join the ‘Fighting Fatigue Together’ campaign, choose one of the answers below, leave your contact details and we’ll get back to you with more information.


You can also support the campaign by sharing our content via email or social media and by donating.

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