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Fatigue Resource Pack

Fatigue is affecting the well-being and safety of healthcare professionals with greater intensity and on a larger scale than ever before. The resource pack is intended for anyone concerned about fatigue in the healthcare sector and who wants to contribute to change in her/his workplace.  

It contains tools and recommendations enabling healthcare professionals to protect themselves from excessive fatigue or the risks associated with it, for example by managing their rest better before, during and after their shift. 

We have based it on the work carried out since 2015 by a group of pioneering anesthetists in the United Kingdom and adapted it with their help to give it a more general dimension, i.e. applicable to any working environment in the healthcare sector, and to disseminate it across Europe. 

We hope our work meets your expectations. We would be delighted to hear from you if it does not, or if you have any suggestions for improvement. You will find our contact details on the last page of the pack.


  1. Supporting change in your workplace: Tools and recommendations

  2. How to launch and manage a Fighting Fatigue Together campaign in your workplace?

  3. Posters

  4. Advocate for more rest facilities

  5. References

Fighting Fatigue Together: Fatigue Resource Pack © 2024 by  European Patient Safety Foundation (EUPSF) is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 

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The resource pack thanks to the support from our pioneering sponsors who understood the importance of the issue of healthcare worker fatigue across Europe. They see the value of investing in what our campaign stands for - to ensure safety and well-being of both the healthcare staff and the patients.


We cannot thank them enough for their trust!  



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Join the campaign

Together we can raise awareness of the risks of fatigue and its impact on health and performance, taking into account the specific context of each country and finding ways to make EVERYONE feel concerned.


Together we can to implement tools and recommendations on how to manage fatigue and improve the well-being and safety of healthcare staff.


Together we can strive to go even further and advocate for more humane working conditions, allowing caregivers time to rest, time to grow and time to provide safe care for their patients.


To join the ‘Fighting Fatigue Together’ campaign, choose one of the answers below, leave your contact details and we’ll get back to you with more information.


You can also support the campaign by sharing our content via email or social media and by donating.

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